JDBC Native Driver

JDBC Native Driver

The Kubling native protocol is based on RedHat's Teiid project, which is why you still see "teiid" in the connection string. We chose Teiid because it is a mature, rock-solid project that has proven its reliability. Additionally, the wiring layer, among others, is written in Java, making Teiid's transport implementation particularly suitable for our use case.

Both the Kubling native protocol and its drivers (opens in a new tab) are open-source and simple, meaning you can easily fork the project and write your own implementation if needed.

Get the Driver

Drivers are regularly published here (opens in a new tab).

However, you can also add it via Maven dependency:



The main driver class is com.kubling.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDriver.

Connection URL:

  • <vdb-name>: Name of the VDB you are connecting to. Optionally VDB name can also contain version information inside it. For example: myvdb.2, this is equivalent to supplying the version=2 connection property defined below. However, use of vdb name in this format and the version property at the same time is not allowed.

  • mm: defines the JDBC protocol, mms indicates a secure channel.

  • <host>: Address of the Kubling instance. If you are using IPv6 binding address as the host name, place it in square brackets. ex:[::1]

  • <port>: Port on which the Kubling instance is listening for incoming native connections.

  • [prop-name=prop-value]: Additionally you can supply any number of property:value pairs separated by semi-colon [;]. Property values should be URL encoded if they contain reserved characters, e.g. ’?’, '=', ';', etc.

Connection Properties

Property NameTypeDescription
ApplicationNamestringName of the client application; allows the administrator to identify the connections
FetchSizeintSize of the resultset; The default size if 500. 0 indicates that the default should be used.
partialResultsModebooleanEnable/disable partial results mode. Default false
userstringUser name
passwordstringUser credential
versionintegerVDB version
resultSetCacheModebooleanResultSet caching is turned on/off. Default false.
queryTimeoutintegerQuery timeout in seconds. Must be >= 0, while 0 indicates no timeout. Can be overridden by Statement.setQueryTimeout. Default 0.
encryptRequestbooleanOnly applies to non-SSL socket connections. When true, the request message as well as its payload will be encrypted using the connection cryptor. Default false.
disableResultSetFetchSizebooleanIn some situations, the client may choose undesirable fetch sizes for processing results. Set to true to disable honoring ResultSet.setFetchSize. Default false.
loginTimeoutintegerThe login timeout in seconds. Must be >= 0, while 0 indicates no specific timeout, but other timeouts may apply. If a connection cannot be created in approximately the timeout number of seconds, connection attempt will fail and the session closed by Kubling. A default value 0 does not mean that the login will wait indefinitely, instead it is up the Session Manager to close the sessions when in login (authentication) phase.
reportAsViewsbooleanIndicates whether DatabaseMetaData must report views as VIEW table type. If false then views will be reported as TABLE. Default true.
connectionPropsFilePathstringPath to the client connection properties file, also known as client settings. These properties are related to networking and transport, so please do not confuse with connection string (URL) properties listed in this table.

Client Networking Properties File

# SSL Settings
# The key store type.  default = PKCS12
# Path to the client certificate, required when org.teiid.ssl.trustAll is set to false
# The trust store password. It is always required when certificates were generated using kdv
# The cipher protocol. 
# Earlier versions (TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2) are considered vulnerable, so try to avoid them as much as possible.
# Indicates whether to allow anonymous SSL (the TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA cipher suite)
# Indicates whether to trust all server certificates, in which case org.teiid.ssl.trustStore must point to a valid certificate.
# default = false
# Indicates whether the client must check expired server certificates (skipped when org.teiid.ssl.trustAll is set to true)
# default = false
# Misc Socket Configuration
# The time in milliseconds for socket timeouts.
# Timeouts during the initialization, handshake, or
# a server ping may be treated as an error.
# This is the lower bound for all other timeouts
# the JDBC login timeout.
# Typically this should be left at the default of 1000
# (1 second). Setting this value too low may cause read
# errors.
# Set the max time to live (in milliseconds) for non-execution
# synchronous calls.
# Set the socket receive buffer size (in bytes)
# 0 indicates that the default socket setting will be used.
# Set the socket send buffer size (in bytes)
# 0 indicates that the default socket setting will be used.
# Set to true to enable Nagle's algorithm to conserve bandwidth
# by minimizing the number of segments that are sent.
# Maximum number of bytes per server message.
# May need to be increased when using custom types and/or large batch sizes.