Data Sources

Data Sources

Kubling Data Source Adapters are divided into four major types:

  • Database Data Source:
    This adapter allows connections to external databases using built-in connectors and drivers. Kubling queries are automatically translated into the appropriate query language that the target database can process. With this type of data source, you can either:

    • Automatically import schemas and tables from the remote database, generating virtual schemas based on metadata retrieved from the source (called passtrough), or
    • Manually define FOREIGN tables using SQL-like DDL to customize the data model.
  • Kubernetes Data Source:
    A specialized adapter designed to connect with Kubernetes clusters. It leverages a built-in module to interact with the cluster, providing seamless access to Kubernetes-native data and resources.

  • Script Document Data Source:
    This adapter is used to manage semi-structured documents, such as JSON and YAML files. Data fetching and operations on these documents are handled through scripts, such as JavaScript, allowing flexible manipulation of external APIs as data sources.

  • Embedded Data Source:
    This adapter creates an internal, lightweight database engine that is automatically added as a data source.

For more information, please have a look at the architecture.


Some data sources, primarily those that exchange information with an API in JSON format, are referred to as document data sources troughtout this documentation.
The term comes from the original way of naming databases that store semi-structured objects, like Elasticsearch and MongoDB.

Kubling engine has the ability to manipulate documents, and to transform CRUD operations into changes in the documents.