Script Context Member
When your scripts are executed, specific objects, known as bound objects, are automatically injected into the execution context. These objects allow your scripts to interact directly with the Engine, enabling more complex operations than simply returning a single value. Instead of limiting scripts to basic functions, you can write robust programs that populate data or perform tasks using these member objects. After execution, the Engine evaluates these objects to retrieve the necessary results.
Besides, some bounds are meant to support your scripts with the most common tasks and, since they are statically compiled, you can expect much better performance compared to having them as code in your scripts.
Script Data Source
For more information see here.
Common to all script types
An object
whose properties are the combination of: environment variables + variables defined in properties file.
In JavaScript, properties can be accessed using dot-notation since it is injected as a regular JavaScript object
A common, shared, thread-safe key-value store. The difference between this and contextVars
is the scope: global
has only one instance per Engine instance,
so it is Engine-scoped, whereas contextVars
is Script-scoped, making global
suitable for sharing information between script contexts.
Function | Description |
put(key : string, value : object) | Associates the specified value object with the specified key . If the store previously contained a mapping for the key , the old value is replaced by the specified value . |
remove(key : string) | Removes the mapping for a key from the store if it is present. |
get(key : string) | Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if the store does not contain mapping for the key . |
containsKey(key : string) : boolean | Returns true if the store does not contain a mapping for the specified key . |
isEmpty() : boolean | Returns true if the store does not contain key-value mappings. |
keys() : <string> | Returns an iterable wrapper, containing the list of keys , that is resolved by the script context as a native feature. For example, in JavaScript it will allow you to use a for (variable of iterable) loop. |
values() : <object> | Returns an iterable wrapper, containing the list of values , that is resolved by the script context as a native feature. |
forEach(action) | Direct support for the standard forEach form when the particular script context or the language does not support it. For example, in JavaScript it is recommended the usage of forEach(callbackFn) instead. |
size() : integer | Returns the number of elements in the store. |
Convenience class
with some functionality not always included in a scripting language spec, like the ECMAScript.
Function | Description |
toLong(object) : long | Transforms an object to its long representation. |
toInt(object) : integer | Transforms an object to its integer representation. |
base62(string) : string | Encodes a string to base62. |
base62Decode(string) : string | Decodes a string from base62. |
base64(string) : string | Encodes a string from base64. |
base64Decode(string) : string | Decodes a string from base64. |
compressString(string) : string | Compresses a string using the basic gzip deflater. |
decompressString(string) : string | Decompresses a string using the basic gzip inflater. |
encryptString(string) : string | Encrypts a string using a random key, which is created when the engine starts, and AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding cipher. |
decryptString(string) : string | Decrypts a string encrypted via encryptString . |
asJson(object) : string | Transforms an object to its json representation. |
asJsonPretty(object) : string | Transforms an object to its prettified json representation. |
unescapeJson(string) : string | Unescape a json document, which removed escape chars. |
isValidJson(string) : boolean | Returns whether an arbitrary text is a valid json document. |
asYaml(object) : string | Transforms an object to its yaml representation. |
dt() : DateTimeHelper | Returns a DateTimeHelper object. |
jsonPath() : JSONPath | Returns a JSONPath object. |
The helper
functions list will grow in future versions as we identify more requirements/uses cases reported by users.
All values are expressed in EPOCH/Unix time (opens in a new tab).
Function | Description |
nowMillis() : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds. |
nowSeconds() : long | Returns the current time in seconds. |
nowPlusSeconds(seconds : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of seconds. |
nowPlusMillis(millis : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of milliseconds. |
nowPlusMinutes(minutes : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of minutes. |
nowPlusHours(hours : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of hours. |
nowPlusDays(days : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of days. |
nowPlusMonths(months : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of months. |
nowPlusYears(years : long) : long | Returns the current time in milliseconds after adding the specified amount of years. |
fromMillisToSeconds(millis : long) : long | Transforms milliseconds to number of seconds. |
fromSecondsToMillis(seconds : long) : long | Transforms seconds to number of milliseconds. |
Allows to perform basic operations using JSON Path (opens in a new tab).
Function | Description |
read(document : string, path : string) : ListProxyObject<string> | Parses a JSON document and read the specified path. The result is a list of matches. |
excludeListedFields(document : object, fields : string[]) : string | Generates a new JSON document, based on the original, with the specified fields excluded. |
excludeNonListedFields(document : object, fields : string[]) : string | Generates a new JSON document, based on the original, keeping only the specified fields and excluding the rest. |
Built-in HTTP/s client, designed to be faster than a client implementation within a Module.
Function | Description |
exec(rawRequestParam : object<HTTPRequestParam>) : object<HTTPRequestReturn> | Executes an HTTP request. See how build a request and schema of returned object. |
newFileWrapper(name : string) : FileWrapper | Creates and returns a new FileWrapper that can be added to the form KV. |
A native language object
, for example, in JavaScript it is a regular object created using the standard way:
var request = {
"url": url,
"method": httpMethod,
"headers": headerParams
request.timeout = 15000;
request.body = ...
When sending a form, the value can be an object
, in which case is transformed to its string
representation, or a FileWrapper
Full Schema:
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:translation:scripting:base:member:client:http:HTTPRequestParam"
type: "string"
description: "The URL to be invoked."
type: "boolean"
description: "Indicates whether the URL must be decoded (only useful when url\
\ param is encoded."
type: "string"
description: "HTTP Method to use."
type: "integer"
description: "Timeout in milliseconds to read data from an established connection.\
\ Value 0 means infinite."
type: "object"
description: "Key-Value list of parameters."
type: "string"
type: "object"
description: "Key-Value list of headers."
type: "string"
type: "boolean"
description: "Indicates whether to follow redirects automatically."
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:translation:scripting:base:member:client:http:HTTPRequestParam:Credentials"
description: "Basic credentials appended to the request."
type: "string"
type: "string"
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:InnerObject"
description: "Request body put as raw type."
type: "object"
description: "Key-Value list used as request body of form-data type."
type: "object"
$ref: "schema:kubling:InnerObject"
type: "boolean"
type: "string"
description: "Content type of the body. Default: \"application/json\""
type: "string"
description: "Charset of the body. Default: \"utf-8\""
type: "string"
description: "Sets the \"User-Agent\" header. Default: \"kubling\""
type: "string"
description: "Sets the \"Accept\" header"
type: "string"
type: "string"
A native language object
with the relevant information of an HTTP response.
Full Schema:
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:translation:scripting:base:member:client:http:HTTPRequestReturn"
type: "integer"
description: "HTTP status code."
type: "string"
description: "HTTP status message."
type: "string"
description: "Response content type."
type: "object"
description: "Response headers."
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:InnerObject"
type: "string"
description: "Response content."
A wrapper object
that contains information about a file being added in the body form-data of a request.
Function | Description |
setContent(content: byte[]) | Sets the file content. |
addContent(content: byte[]) | Adds additional content to the file content. Please note that the content is added at the end of the current file content. |
getContent() : byte[] | Returns the current file content. |
setType(type : string) | Set the file type. |
Function | Description |
debug(message: object) | Log a message at the DEBUG level. |
debug(context : string, message: object) | Log a message at the DEBUG level, with a context you can add to recognize it. |
info(message: object) | Log a message at the INFO level. |
info(context : string, message: object) | Log a message at the INFO level, with a context you can add to recognize it. |
warn(message: object) | Log a message at the WARN level. |
warn(context : string, message: object) | Log a message at the WARN level, with a context you can add to recognize it. |
error(message: object) | Log a message at the ERROR level. |
error(context : string, message: object) | Log a message at the ERROR level, with a context you can add to recognize it. |
will always attempt to transform the object
into a printable string representation. If that transformation is not possible, it will print [object]
The logger
cannot access the script's call trace, making it impossible to print the exact file and line number that triggered the call.
We are investigating how to improve it.
Allows to execute queries by directly accessing the Engine. It is important to note that CUD operations (INSERT
) are not supported by design.
Function | Description |
executeQuery(vdbName : string, query : string) : QueryResultProxyObject | Executes a data-retrieval query (SELECT ) using one of the internal opened sessions. It returns a QueryResultProxyObject . |
A proxy object
that contains the rows returned by the script.
Function | Description |
addRow(row: string) | Adds a JSON or YAML document to the set. |
addRow(rows: string[]) | Adds array of rows to the set. |
dataFormat(df: string) | Specified the format of the documents contained by the set. Can be either JSON or YAML . |
Filter information. See QueryFilterProxyObject
An object
that contains only members (not functions), which describes the insert operation.
Member | Description |
table : string | TABLE name. |
fieldValues : ListProxyObject<SetOperationProxyObject> | Returns the list of fields and values of the operation. Elements of the List are of SetOperationProxyObject type. |
jsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | Returns the list of final documents to be inserted. When the original insertion occurred in a synthetic TABLE , the document received is the final one, that is, the root document with a new nested document. For more information see here. |
yamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as jsonList but in YAML format. |
originalJsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | It returns the list of original documents before the insertion. It is only valid when the TABLE is synthetic , otherwise list is always empty. |
originalYamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as originalJsonList but in YAML format. |
differences : ListProxyObject<JsonDifferenceResultProxyObject> | Returns the list of differences detected when compared to the original document. Position matches jsonList and originalJsonList , therefore differences[index] uses jsonList[index] and originalJsonList[index] to make the comparison.Elements of the List are of JsonDifferenceResultProxyObject type. |
Must specify the number of documents effectively created/inserted during the operation.
An object
that contains only members (not functions), which describes the update operation.
Member | Description |
table : string | TABLE name. |
updates : ListProxyObject<SetOperationProxyObject[]> | Returns the list of changes in documents, each entry is a list of fields and values updated of the operation. The reason why this returns a list of documents, is because an UPDATE may affect multiple documents, depending on the search result. |
queryFilter : QueryFilterProxyObject | Returns the WHERE clause of the update operation. See QueryFilterProxyObject type. |
jsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | Returns the list of final documents, with its values updated. When the TABLE is synthetic , the document received is the final one, that is, the root document with a new nested document. For more information see here. |
yamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as jsonList but in YAML format. |
originalJsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | It returns the list of original documents before the update. |
originalYamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as originalJsonList but in YAML format. |
differences : ListProxyObject<JsonDifferenceResultProxyObject> | Returns the list of differences detected when compared to the original document. Position matches jsonList and originalJsonList , therefore differences[index] uses jsonList[index] and originalJsonList[index] to make the comparison.Elements of the List are of JsonDifferenceResultProxyObject type. |
partialJsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | Returns a list of documents containing only the fields that were changed. Difference between this and updates , is that this member returns a valid JSON . |
partialYamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as partialJsonList but in YAML format. |
Must specify the number of documents effectively updated during the operation.
An object
that contains only members (not functions), which describes the delete operation.
Member | Description |
table : string | TABLE name. |
queryFilter : QueryFilterProxyObject | Returns the WHERE clause of the delete operation. See QueryFilterProxyObject type. |
jsonList : ListProxyObject<string> | Returns the list of documents to be deleted. |
yamlList : ListProxyObject<string> | Same as jsonList but in YAML format. |
Must specify the number of documents effectively deleted during the operation.
An object
that indicates to the Engine the result of the initialization.
Function | Description |
initialized() | Marks the initialization process as correctly initialized. |
error() | Marks the initialization process as erroneous. |
error(message : string) | Marks the initialization process as erroneous with a custom message. |
Only common members.
Template function
Only common members.
SQL script function
Only common members.
Authentication/Authorization script
An object
used to exchange information between the script and the session manager.
Function | Description |
userName : string | Contains the username informed by the remote client to initialize a session (login). |
credentials : string | Contains the credentials (i.e. password or token) informed by the remote client to initialize a session (login). |
trust() | Accepts the login request and informs to the session manager that remote client is allowed to establish a permanent session. |
bad() | Rejects the login, and closes the session, due to invalid username or credential. |
bad(message : string) | Same as bad() but with the possibility to add a custom reason message which is sent to the remote client. |
locked() | Rejects the login, and closes the session, due to a locked or disabled user. |
locked(message : string) | Same as locked() but with the possibility to add a custom reason message which is sent to the remote client. |
addPrincipal(name : string) | Associates a principal name to the session. |
addRole(name : string) | Associates a role name to the session. |
A List of elements created in the engine and exposed to the script context.
Its functions are only proxies that point to the original, non-script-compatible array.
Function | Description |
array() : object[] | Returns all elements as an array of object . |
get(pos : integer) : object | Returns the object at the specified position in the array. |
getFirst() : object | Returns the first object of the array. |
getLast() : object | Returns the last object of the array. |
iterable() : <object> | Returns an iterable wrapper that is resolved by the script context as a native feature. For example, in JavaScript it will allow you to use a for (variable of iterable) loop. |
forEach(action) | Direct support for the standard forEach form when the particular script context or the language does not support it. For example, in JavaScript it is recommended the usage of array.forEach((element) => ...); instead. |
size() : integer | Returns the number of elements in the array. |
isEmpty() : boolean | Returns true if the array has no elements. |
stringify() : string[] | Returns an array containing the string representation of the elements in the array. |
An object
that contains only members (not functions), which describes the filter, or WHERE
clause, of the query.
Member | Description |
filters : ListProxyObject<FilterValue> | Returns the list of filters. Elements of the List are of FilterValue type. |
sort : ListProxyObject<QueryFilterSort> | Returns the requested sort (ORDER BY ). Elements of the List are of QueryFilterSort type. |
pagination : QueryPageFilterProxyObject | Returns the requested pagination (LIMIT ). See proxy information. |
table : string | Query table name. |
json : string | Self-representation in JSON format. |
yaml : string | Self-representation in YAML format. |
full schema:
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:dbvirt:translation:scripting:base:member:filter:FilterValue"
type: "string"
description: "Field name."
type: "string"
description: "Engine data type."
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:InnerObject"
description: "Value to compare."
type: "string"
full schema:
type: "object"
id: "schema:kubling:dbvirt:translation:scripting:base:member:filter:QueryFilterSort"
type: "string"
type: "string"
- "ASC"
- "DESC"
- "LAST"
An object
that contains only members (not functions), which describes the filter, or LIMIT
clause, of the query.
Member | Description |
pageSize : integer | Number of rows returned by the query. |
page : integer | Page to start from, also known as offset. |
json : string | Self-representation in JSON format. |
yaml : string | Self-representation in YAML format. |
An object
that contains only members (not functions), with values passed to the operation.
Member | Description |
fieldName : string | Field name. |
value : object | Field value. |
json : string | Self-representation in JSON format. |
yaml : string | Self-representation in YAML format. |
A proxy object
that contains the the number of rows affected by the operation.
Member | Description |
increment() | Increments (1) the number of affected rows. |
increment(number : integer) | Increments a specified number of affected rows. |
get() : integer | Returns the current affected rows. |
An object
that contains only members (not functions), that describes the result of a document comparison operation.
Member | Description |
added : ListProxyObject<string> | List of fully qualified field names added to the document. |
removed : ListProxyObject<string> | List of fully qualified field names removed from the original document. |
modified : ListProxyObject<string> | List of fully qualified field names modified. |
untouched : ListProxyObject<string> | List of fully qualified field names that have not been modified. |
An object
that contains the result set of query.
Member | Description |
count : integer | Returns the number of rows contained in the result set. |
countFields : integer | Returns the number of columns (fields) contained in the result set. |
fieldNames : ListProxyObject<string> | List of field names returned by the query. |
rows : ListProxyObject<object> | Returns the actual rows of the result set. Each element is an native object , therefore fields can be accessed using dot-notation. |