System Schemas
SYS Schema

SYS Schema

The SYS schema provides system-level information and actions in the virtual database.



This table supplies information about all the elements (columns, tags, attributes, etc.) in the virtual database.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
TableNamestringTable name
NamestringElement name (not qualified)
PositionintegerPosition in group (1-based)
NameInSourcestringName of the element in the source
DataTypestringRuntime data type name
ScaleintegerNumber of digits after the decimal point
ElementLengthintegerElement length (mostly used for strings)
sLengthFixedbooleanWhether the length is fixed or variable
SupportsSelectbooleanElement can be used in SELECT
SupportsUpdatesbooleanValues can be inserted or updated in the element
IsCaseSensitivebooleanElement is case-sensitive
IsSignedbooleanElement is a signed numeric value
IsCurrencybooleanElement represents a monetary value
IsAutoIncrementedbooleanElement is auto-incremented in the source
NullTypestringNullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown"
MinRangestringMinimum value
MaxRangestringMaximum value
DistinctCountintegerDistinct value count; -1 can indicate unknown
NullCountintegerNull value count; -1 can indicate unknown
SearchTypestringSearchability: "Searchable", "All Except Like", "Like Only", "Unsearchable"
FormatstringFormat of string value
DefaultValuestringDefault value
JavaClassstringJava class that will be returned
PrecisionintegerNumber of digits in numeric value
CharOctetLengthintegerMeasure of return value size
RadixintegerRadix for numeric values
GroupUpperNamestringUpper-case full group name
UpperNamestringUpper-case element name
UIDstringElement unique ID
TableUIDstringParent Table unique ID
TypeNamestringThe type name, which may be a domain name
TypeCodeintegerJDBC SQL type code
ColumnSizestringIf numeric, the precision; if character, the length; if date/time, the string length of a literal value


This table supplies information about data types.

Column NameTypeDescription
NamestringType or domain name
IsStandardbooleanTrue if the type is basic
TypestringOne of Basic, UserDefined, ResultSet, Domain
TypeNamestringDesign-time type name
JavaClassstringJava class returned for this type
ScaleintegerMax scale of this type
TypeLengthintegerMax length of this type
NullTypestringNullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown"
IsSignedbooleanIndicates if numeric values are signed
IsAutoIncrementedbooleanIndicates if values are auto-incremented
IsCaseSensitivebooleanIndicates if values are case-sensitive
PrecisionintegerMax precision of this type
RadixintegerRadix of this type
SearchTypestringSearchability: "Searchable", "All Except Like", "Like Only", "Unsearchable"
UIDstringData type unique ID
RuntimeTypestringRuntime data type name
BaseTypestringBase type
DescriptionstringDescription of type
TypeCodeintegerJDBC SQL type code
Literal_PrefixstringLiteral prefix
Literal_SuffixstringLiteral suffix


This table supplies information about the columns referenced by a key.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
TableNamestringTable name
NamestringElement name
KeyNamestringKey name
KeyTypestringKey type: "Primary", "Foreign", "Unique", etc
RefKeyUIDstringReferenced key UID
UIDstringKey UID
PositionintegerPosition in key
TableUIDstringParent Table unique ID


This table supplies information about primary, foreign, and unique keys.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
Table NamestringTable name
NamestringKey name
NameInSourcestringName of key in source system
TypestringType of key: "Primary", "Foreign", "Unique", etc
IsIndexedbooleanTrue if key is indexed
RefKeyUIDstringReferenced key UID (if foreign key)
RefTableUIDstringReferenced key table UID (if foreign key)
RefSchemaUIDstringReferenced key table schema UID (if foreign key)
UIDstringKey unique ID
TableUIDstringKey Table unique ID
SchemaUIDstringKey Table Schema unique ID
ColPositionsshort[]Array of column positions within the key table


This table supplies information on procedure parameters.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
ProcedureNamestringProcedure name
NamestringParameter name
DataTypestringRuntime data type name
PositionintegerPosition in procedure args
TypestringParameter direction: "In", "Out", "InOut", "ResultSet", "ReturnValue"
OptionalbooleanTrue if the parameter is optional
PrecisionintegerPrecision of parameter
TypeLengthintegerLength of parameter value
ScaleintegerScale of parameter
RadixintegerRadix of parameter
NullTypestringNullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown"
DescriptionstringDescription of parameter
TypeNamestringThe type name, which may be a domain name
TypeCodeintegerJDBC SQL type code
ColumnSizestringIf numeric, the precision; if character, the length; and if date/time, the string length of a literal value.
DefaultValuestringDefault value


This table supplies information about the procedures in the virtual database.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
NamestringProcedure name
NameInSourcestringProcedure name in source system
ReturnsResultsbooleanTrue if the procedure returns a result set
UIDstringProcedure unique identifier (UID)
DescriptionstringDescription of the procedure
SchemaUIDstringParent schema unique identifier (UID)


This table supplies information on function parameters.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
FunctionNamestringFunction name
FunctionUIDstringFunction unique identifier (UID)
NamestringParameter name
DataTypestringRuntime data type name
PositionintegerPosition in procedure arguments
TypestringParameter direction: "In", "Out", "InOut", "ResultSet", "ReturnValue"
PrecisionintegerPrecision of parameter
TypeLengthintegerLength of parameter value
ScaleintegerScale of parameter
RadixintegerRadix of parameter
NullTypestringNullability: "Nullable", "No Nulls", "Unknown"
DescriptionstringDescription of parameter
TypeNamestringThe type name, which may be a domain name
TypeCodeintegerJDBC SQL type code
ColumnSizestringNumeric: precision; Character: length; Date/Time: literal length


This table supplies information about the functions in the virtual database.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema name
NamestringFunction name
NameInSourcestringFunction name in source system
UIDstringFunction unique identifier (UID)
IsVarArgsbooleanDoes the function accept variable arguments?


This table supplies user-defined properties on all objects based on metamodel extensions. Normally, this table is empty if no metamodel extensions are being used.

Column NameTypeDescription
NamestringExtension property name
ValuestringExtension property value
UIDstringKey unique ID
ClobValueclobClob Value


This table supplies information about column's key reference.

Column NameTypeDescription
PKTABLE_SCHEMstringSchema name
PKTABLE_NAMEstringTable/View name
PKCOLUMN_NAMEstringColumn name
FKTABLE_SCHEMstringSchema name
FKTABLE_NAMEstringTable/View name
FKCOLUMN_NAMEstringColumn name
KEY_SEQshortKey Sequence
UPDATE_RULEintegerUpdate Rule
DELETE_RULEintegerDelete Rule
FK_NAMEstringFK name
PK_NAMEstringPK name


This table supplies information about all the schemas in the virtual database, including the system schema itself (System).

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
NamestringSchema name
IsPhysicalbooleanTrue if this represents a source
UIDstringUnique ID
PrimaryMetamodelURIstringURI for the primary metamodel describing the model used for this schema


This table supplies information about all the groups (tables, views, documents, and so forth) in the virtual database.

Column NameTypeDescription
VDBNamestringVDB name
SchemaNamestringSchema Name
NamestringShort group name
TypestringTable type (Table, View, Document, …)
NameInSourcestringName of this group in the source
IsPhysicalbooleanTrue if this is a source table
SupportsUpdatesbooleanTrue if group can be updated
UIDstringGroup unique ID
CardinalityintegerApproximate number of rows in the group
IsSystembooleanTrue if in system table
SchemaUIDstringParent Schema unique ID


This table supplies information about the currently connected virtual database, of which there is always exactly one (in the context of a connection).

Column NameTypeDescription
NamestringThe name of the VDB
VersionstringThe version of the VDB
DescriptionstringThe description of the VDB
LoadingTimestamptimestampThe timestamp loading began
ActiveTimestamptimestampThe timestamp when the VDB became active