
Multicluster Kubernetes Dashboard

This Dashboard demonstrates how to monitor multiple Kubernetes clusters in an aggregated manner using logic in queries to extract relevant information and present it in simplified tables.

Clone our Samples Repository

git clone https://github.com/kubling-community/kubling-dashboard-examples.git

Navigate to the Example Directory

cd k8s-multicluster-metrics

Kubernetes Configuration

  • Edit the file kube_cluster_1.yaml and add the kubeconfig content (opens in a new tab).
  • Repeat this process for kube_cluster_2.yaml if you have additional clusters to configure.
  • To add more clusters, create additional files like kube_cluster_[n].yaml and configure them accordingly.

VDB Configuration

  • Open descriptor/vdb/DashboardVDB.yaml and ensure the list of KUBERNETES data sources matches the configuration files edited or created in the previous step.

Run it!

sh run-compose.sh


Go to the console (opens in a new tab)


Use admin/admin to log into Superset.

Open Pre-Configured Dashboards

  • In the top menu, click on Dashboards and select Kubernetes Monitoring to view the current clusters' statuses.
  • Alternatively, select Kubernetes Time Series to view two simple time series charts showing the historical data of reserved CPU cores and memory.